What does the Garda recruitment process involve?
The competition for the selection of Garda Trainees attracts a very high number of applicants. Accordingly, the selection process to become a Garda Trainee is comprehensive, with candidates required to undertake a range of relevant assessment tests and exercises over a number of selection stages. These tests and exercises are designed to identify candidates suitable to be a Garda Trainee, with the potential to become an attested member. Therefore, only the highest performing candidates at each particular stage will progress to the next stage. The numbers called forward to each stage of selection will be determined from time to time having regard to the number of places to be filled in the Garda College.
When a new Garda Recruitment campaign is launched applications are taken by the Public Appointments Service on their website www.publicjobs.ie. The Public Appointments Service is the centralised recruiter for An Garda Síochána and they will process the candidates on their behalf. Eligibility criteria and requirements are outlined at the start of a campaign in a booklet called ‘Notes For Candidates’ which is a downloadable document.
The Stages of Recruitment
Stage 1
Garda Online Assessments
Applicants are firstly invited to complete a series of online assessments. These assessments are completed at home and remotely proctored (supervised) on a laptop or PC. See here for how to prepare for Stage 1 of the Garda Campaign
Stage 2
The Competency Based Interview
A competency based interview is a highly structured interview where candidates are informed in advance of a number of key competencies. The competencies which are predefined by the interview board are key skills deemed necessary to serve effectively as a member of An Garda Síochána. Examples of the competencies could include ‘Problem Solving’, ‘Resilience’, ‘Motivation for the Role’ etc. During the interview candidates are asked to give examples of instances when they displayed each of the competencies effectively. Most people pick examples from their previous work experience, voluntary experience, educational experience or a hobby that that they enjoy. All candidates are assessed on the same competencies to ensure that there is fairness in the selection process.
Stage 3
The Physical Competence Test & Medical Examination
Update for 2025 Garda Recruitment Campaign
All Garda applicants will undergo a Fitness Test and Physical Competence Test as part of the Garda recruitment application process and their subsequent training. Prospective Garda candidates must undergo a bleep test / shuttle run. This involves running continuously between two points 20 metres apart at a set time that gradually decreases until the candidates cannot keep up the intervals. They will also be required to a competency based timed circuit (3 laps).
Prospective gardaí will no longer have to perform any sit-ups or push-ups to gain admission to the Garda college. The requirements for the bleep test, which requires candidates to run repeatedly between two points 20m apart in a set time, have also been relaxed. The varying standards for male, female, younger and older candidates have also been replaced with a single standard for all candidates.
The obstacle course remains unchanged.
See here for more on the Garda Fitness Test
Please note that we are NOT affiliated with An Garda Síochána or the Public Appointments Service and the content and information on this website has been provided in good faith.